When you open or close a tax return, ATX syncs with CCH iFirm, recognizing changes to contact data. The following data is exchanged between ATX and CCH iFirm:
*Syncing Partner, Shareholder, and Beneficiary Contact Data: To sync your partner, shareholder, and beneficiary contact data, ensure the Entity Type for the contact is specified on the Schedule K-1 form in the return in ATX. This ensures complete syncing between ATX and CCH iFirm.
ATX requires an SSN or EIN to sync with CCH iFirm’s contact database. If you create contacts in CCH iFirm, be sure to enter the SSN or EIN before importing into ATX. If you create an ATX return for a CCH iFirm contact that does not have an assigned SSN or EIN, the system assumes that this is a "new contact" and a duplicate contact is created in CCH iFirm.
When you open a return if there are any changes from CCH iFirm, ATX recognizes these changes and prompts you to sync the changes.
To sync updated contact information from CCH iFirm when opening a return:
CCH iFirm Contact Sync dialog box
If you want to keep the current information in ATX, click Skip.
When you close a return, if there are supported field changes, ATX asks you if you want to sync the changes to iFirm.
To sync updated contact information from ATX to CCH iFirm when closing a return:
CCH iFirm Contact Sync dialog box
If you want to keep the current information in CCH iFirm click Skip.
See Also: